So no doubt if you're visiting this article you're probably a little bit curious about what exactly penis enlargement exercises are, how they work, and how you can use them to start increasing the size of your penis.
Before we jump into the exercises, I'm going to give you a little background to help you understand how a method like this actually works.
Knowing Your Penis The penis itself is made up of 3 chambers, 1 small along the bottom of the penile shaft and 2 larger ones along the top.
When you get an erection, your size is determined by how much blood can be held by these chambers.
Once full, you have reached your maximum erect size.
For this reason, increasing the size of these chambers is the only way to permanently increase penis size.
The good news for us, however, is that the tissues that make up your chamber walls respond to stimuli and stress much in the same way a muscle does elsewhere in the body.
When your body perceives a stress on a tissue (usually a result of micro-tears in the tissue from whatever you were doing) it re-grows cell mass in greater quantity to help 'reinforce' the area for the next time that stress is applied.
Penis enlargement exercises manipulate this principle by using your hands to move blood through the penis in targeted motions, stressing the chambers walls and coaxing them to regrow larger over time.
Exercise #1: The Jelq The Jelq is used primarily to gain in length.
It is an exercise that, just like any other, you'll need to warm up for.
To get ready, wrap a warm, wet towel around your penis and work to obtain just a 70% or so erection, this is the optimal state for using natural penis enlargement exercises.
When ready, lubricate the penis and make an 'okay sign' ring with your thumb and index finger.
Use this rung to grip the base of your penis (closest to the body).
Now, squeeze gently and move your hand all the way to the tip of your penis, you should be able to feel the blood moving through but this should be painless.
Once your first hand reaches the tip begin another repetition with your free hand.
Exercise #2: Kegels A Kegel is the simplest of penis enlargement exercise but can work wonders for both penis width and orgasm control.
The PC muscle, located at the base of your penis, is key in controlling the amount of blood let into the penis during arousal.
You'll recognize the PC muscle as the muscle used to control the flow of urine when you use the bathroom.
Again, warm up for this exercise (although lubricant is not needed for this one) and it is OK to be slightly harder/more erect than with the Jelq.
Quickly flex the PC muscle, this should cause your penis to 'jump' up.
Told you it was easy! Don't mistake simplicity with being ineffective though, these are all exercises I used with great success.
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