For centuries, acupuncture had been used in the treatment of various ailments such as migraine, arthritis and infertility. Research shows that acupuncture releases the hormones -endorphins, which creates feelings of natural well being and is an enabler of antibodies and helps attack viruses and infection.
In the area of acupuncture for fertility, acupuncture was the only infertility option in China and had practised with huge success. Very often, infertility solutions will recommend that acupuncture for fertility be used together with traditional chinese herbs.
In comparison to the numerous alternative infertility solutions, there are increasingly more conclusive studies in Western medicine on the value of acupuncture for fertility. A study conducted in 2004 by the Reproductive Medicine and Fertility Centre in Colorado found that 51% of women who underwent both acupuncture for fertility and IVF became pregnant, while only 36% of those who underwent only IVF got pregnant. The latter group also had a higher rate of miscarriage and still birth (20%) compared to those women who received acupuncture for fertility (8%).
Acupuncture for fertility revolves around the principle that infertility is the result of disharmony in the body arising from stagnation or deficiency in blood and energy flow and a imbalance in cold and heat condition. Therefore, in using acupuncture for fertility, the acupuncturist will attempt to take a full history of the patient. In addition to questions that a western medical doctor will typically ask, the acupuncturist will dig deeper on facts regarding the patient's menstrual cycle, food craving, pulse, bowel movement etc. This allows the acupuncturist to determine the discord within the body and decide on a treatment plan for the individual. Unlike western medicine which treats a human body as individual parts of a machine and so a direct treatment on the symptom; acupuncture for fertility considers the human body as an integrated system. Hence, treating the overall well being of the individual will inevitably eliminate any infertility problems.
Put alongside other alternative infertility solutions, acupuncture for fertility is not just an infertility option. Of all natural infertility solutions, acupuncture for fertility is the most successful method. The results of acupuncture as an infertility option are most evident in functional infertility such as endometriosis infertility, fsh infertility or hormonal infertility.
Acupuncture for fertility may not be effective in treating structural infertility problems such as a blocked fallopian tube. However, acupuncture is still an infertility option often used in conjunction with assisted reproductive technology as part of the infertility solutions. This is because acupuncture is able to improve fertility by improving blood flow to the reproductive organs, regulating menstrual cycle, improving lining to the uterus, improving the quality of the eggs released and stabilizing hormone levels. In men, acupuncture is an infertility option with proven success for treating erectile dysfunction, poor sperm quality and low sperm count.
Clearly, Chinese medicine and Western medicine work on different principles. However, the 2 disciplines integrate well. The holistic approach in Chinese medicine together with the technology in Western medicine have created better infertility option and definitely more superior infertility solutions.
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