The two types of student loans that are currently available to most college students are federal student loans, and private student loans. Private student loans are based off of your credit, while federal student loans are based off of your need for such funding. To get a private student loan you therefore need to have good credit. The only exception to this is if you can come up with a credit-worthy cosigner that is willing to cosign for your loan. There aren't many other options if need to get approved for a private student loan, and if you don't have good credit or a cosigner then you are pretty-much out of luck.
If you are like most students who haven't had time to establish a good credit history, then you are going to be reliant on getting a cosigner to get an approval. When you aren't able to get a hold of a credit-worthy cosigner you may be out of the running for a private student loan no cosigner [], although you may still be able to get a no cosigner student loan another way. The better alternative to getting a cosigner involves applying for the real no cosigner student loans that are currently available on today's market, and this means looking into applying for a federal student loan.
Federal student loans are based off of need, and therefore do not require a cosigner most of the time. Federal student loans are actually better loans to have when compared to private college loans due to the fact that they carry lower interest rates and preferable repayment terms. You can pay for a significant percentage of your tuition costs with just federal student loans, thus making taking out a private student loan an afterthought.
Applying for a federal student loan is fairly easy, and you simply need to fill out a FAFSA application in a complete fashion at some point during the winter. The FAFSA is the government's universal application for federal aid, and is utilized by millions of college students from across the nation. By filling out the FAFSA you can guarantee that you'll be put into contention for the majority of federal funding, and this means you will be considered for a variety of the best federal college loans that are currently in existence. Federal student loans are genuine no cosigner student loans, and by getting a federal student loan you'll be able to bypass having to look for a private student loan without a cosigner.
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