Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Steps to Attraction: 5 Traits That Attract Women

Even though men today are intelligent and handsome a lot of them are completely clueless about attracting women.
Though being intelligent and handsome is an advantage when it comes to winning the heart of a woman but not all women have the same taste.
Different women always come with different tastes.
That is why women look for traits that would match her taste, especially when looking for her special man.
That is why attracting women is easier said than done.
Still, there are aspects that will appeal to a lot of women today.
Having them and most especially developing them will make you a step closer to winning her heart.
Looks and Personality Let us start with the basics.
The very first thing any woman sees is a man is his physical appearance and how he looks.
As said a while ago looks and personality may not be great factors when it comes to attracting women but the thing that we are looking for here is your first impression.
Being dressed right and having the proper etiquette will create an impression on the girl.
Sense of humor One very important thing that you need to develop between you, and your woman is your fondness to one another.
Making a woman laugh and giggle will surely develop this bond you have with the woman thus increasing your chances in winning her.
Of course, you have to be very careful on what jokes you tell her.
You might depict yourself as one of the kings of sarcasm that will surely turn off women.
Confidence Undeniably, confidence is one of the most important factors that a woman looks in every man, and a lot of surveys can prove that.
A man with confidence and poise will create a lasting impression in the hearts of women.
A confidence of a man can be seen on how he acts and how he responses to different situations that is why it is very important to develop this trait.
Having a good impression is the most crucial part of winning a girl.
Furthermore, your looks will grab the attention of women.
Though they may not be great factors, but these traits will help you be a step closer in winning her heart.
Intelligence A lot of beautiful women are also quite smart, and you will never know that the girl you like is an intelligent one.
First of all, being intelligent does not mean that you are a geek or a nerd.
Furthermore, being intelligent does not need you to be one of the top honors in class, taking a college course in Harvard or being a scholar in school.
Being intelligent is being a well-mannered type of man, having a good reputation and is well spoken by the people around him.
This will surely increase your appeal to women and most importantly to the woman you like.
Sensitivity First of all, being sensitive does not equate you to be a weakling.
Though women may be attracted to the physical aspects of a man but a man who is compassionate and understanding will remain in their hearts forever.

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