Health & Medical Mental Health

Using Who You Are and What You Know, To Attract What You Desire

There are some things about you that don't readily change.
This has to do with your personality and inborn natural characteristics.
Some of these preferences were genetically gifted to you, while others have been developed by life experience.
Knowing your personal characteristics is extremely useful when it comes to making choices and processing information.
It is also valuable to be able to spot these core characteristics in others.
By working with, and focusing on, your dominant strengths you will naturally improve your non-dominant areas.
This will begin to attract to you the very things you desire.
The way it works has to do with how your brain was wired to process information.
Much like food, if you take in information in the way your brain can readily digest it, you will be able to process and use it much easier.
This is working smarter, not harder.
You are working with the natural flow that has been established through your genes and environment.
Many people unknowingly choose to work against their natural rhythm due to following someone else's example, advice or pattern.
This can cause a natural resistance if you are not dominant in the same areas.
It is like fighting an uphill battle.
When you work with your natural bent, you will begin to see good things happen seemingly effortlessly.
When you work against it, you will find struggles.
You can take advantage of this only when you first understand your natural patterns.
What is interesting is that you may not be seeing who you really are, but more of who you have created.
Overtime, as you learn new skills, you begin to adapt your characteristics for your job, family or circumstances.
Although this may affect your perceived personality, it does not change your true inclination.
This adaptation may be seen outwardly as your natural bent, when in reality it is simply a well-learned behavior.
Begin by answering these basic questions to discern your dominant and non-dominant characteristics.
Ask yourself what is your true inclination and circle it.
However if you find you have adapted to the other option put an x on it.
At the end you will evaluate your true authentic self and your learned persona.
• Do I prefer to be seen and heard or Do I prefer to fly under the radar and blend in? • Do I prefer to be with people or Do I prefer alone time to reflect and regroup? • Do I prefer to talk one on one or Do I prefer to talk in small groups? • Do I express my thoughts in words or Do I express my thoughts in actions? • Do I prefer to move often or Do I prefer to sit quietly? • Do I feel restricted by schedules or Do I need schedules and plans to feel comfortable? • Do I expect only best effort or Do I expect perfection? • Do I work well on short notice or Do I need time to process information and plan? • Do I prefer talking or Do I prefer listening? • Do I prefer creative arts and activity or Do I prefer analytical and mathematical reasoning? • Do I feel anxious with long waits or Do I wait patiently? • Do I use intuition to make decisions or Do I use logic and reason to make decisions? • Do I prefer what can be solved multiple ways or Do I prefer only one correct answer? • Do I like things abstract or Do I like things concrete? • Do I prefer to see to understand or Do I prefer to hear to understand? • Do I prefer spontaneous activity or Do I prefer routine? • Do I prefer the unstructured or Do I prefer order to feel comfortable? • Do I prefer to create new things or Do I prefer to complete tasks? • Do I prefer to follow authority or Do I prefer to buck authority? • Do I forgive easily or Do I hold a grudge? • Do I see the big picture or Do I see the details? • Do I act impulsively or Do I act only after much thought and reasoning? • Do I prefer take risks or Do I prefer to be safe? • Do I prefer to laugh or Do I prefer to be serious? • Do I value time or Do I value productivity? • Do I value relationships or Do I value connections? • Do I value growth or Do I value advancement? • Do I prefer alternative solutions or Do I prefer to follow directions? • Do I enjoy non-traditional structure or Do I enjoy traditional structure? • Do I prefer to make quick decisions or Do I prefer to take time to make decisions? • Do I tend to be impulsive or Do I tend to be practical? • Do I think about my intentions or Do I act on my intentions? • Do I focus on how I feel or Do I seek out facts? • Do I prefer to be a leader or Do I prefer to be a team member? • Do I prefer to manage people or Do I prefer to manage tasks? • Do I welcome change or Do I avoid and dislike change? • Do I motivate others or Do I need to be motivated? • Do I prefer to join in or Do I prefer not to participate? • Do I smooth out conflict Do I create conflict? or • Do I act with enthusiasm or Do I act with skepticism? • Do I prefer to participate or Do I prefer to watch? Look at your circled choices, and create a visual picture of this person in your mind.
Does it really describe you at your essence? It should.
Now look at your Xs and see how you have learned new characteristics that have shaped your persona.
Evaluate how those two parts of your personality may at times be at war with each other.
For example, many people would say I am an extrovert because I am able to talk in front of others and I am generally outgoing.
However after more intense study, I have discovered I am quite introverted.
Although I have trained myself to be in front of people, I crave time alone to reflect and think.
How do you know which you are? If you were attending a long and busy day of seminars and meetings would you prefer to go out with your group of friends that night or head back to room to rest? If it is the latter, you may be more introverted than you think.
However nothing is foolproof, you could just be easily tired and although you prefer to go out you would stay in due to your physical condition.
This is another perfect example of how circumstances can direct your choices instead of your natural bent.
That makes it more important to understand what your true choice would be without the barriers of specific circumstances.
It is not that you are being untrue to yourself when you go against your natural inclination, it is simply important to recognize it.
In fact it is a valuable tool to be able to tap into different sides of your personality.
Some areas are dominant while others are less so.
They are not weaknesses, only non-dominant characteristics.
Often, as above, you may choose the opposite of your natural inclination based on the circumstances.
Be aware of this and realize that it is normal.
Creating awareness allows you to flow with your choices much more fluidly.
Remember you are not a label.
Although you may seem dominant is certain areas, you are a blend of many.
No one else shares your unique recipe of characteristics, even when they seem very similar.
Small nuances will be unique to your true nature.
Your goal should be to understand and value your true natural bent.
By recognizing your natural inclinations you can better use your skills and talents.
You can also align yourself with others.
For synergy, you will find others with the same dominate characteristics.
For balance, you will look for people who are dominant in your non-dominant areas.
For successful endeavors begin to look for these core traits in others as well as yourself.
Use what you know about yourself and others to maximize the natural flow.
By using this information you can develop the best pathways for achievement as well as satisfaction.

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