Today, many companies claim to provide products that offer 'organic essential oils'. However, some companies provide organic products that are not certified according to the USDA, but yet claim on product labels that they are. In order for a company to officially describe their products as organic, they are required to meet standards that are outlined by the USDA. Though, the USDA doesn't even have the toughest set of standards to meet, as others such as the CCOF International and IFOAM often have tougher criteria to meet in order to gain certification.
What Does Certification Mean?
When a company has been given certification that their products are truly organic, then this guarantees that the oils were extracted from plants and no chemical products were used during the process.
For instance, traditional farming methods often involve the use of chemical pesticides and other related products, but they can't be given to plants that are designated for the production of organic essential oils. Of course, this also means that chemicals can't be used to treat the soil of these plants either. Moreover, if chemicals have been used in soil, a set amount of time has to pass before the soil can be used to grow the organic plants, this is to ensure that there is no residue left.
Why Organic Is More Costly
Companies that produce organic products use natural fertilizers and pesticides to grow their plants instead of using chemical products to develop rich crops. Though, when using these means to create organic oils, more energy, time, and money is required in order to utilize these natural methods.
As a result, organic essential oils will be more costly than conventional oils, such as those that claim to be organic but are not certified. Though, you can see why companies try to get by claiming to be organic when they really aren't. They want to save money while also be able to reach this market of consumer.
Health Benefits
Anyway, because plants and soil can absorb chemicals that have been applied to them, people who eat food or use products that were created from these plants can have these chemicals passed on to them. This is why using organic essential oils is important.
Fruit trees that have been sprayed with pesticides, some of which essential oils are created from, have fruit that absorb the pesticide and are contaminated as a result. Organic essential oils avoid being contaminated, since harmful chemicals are not used by these companies.
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