It is time to put those old wives tales to rest.
With proper research, technology, and tests, baby selection is a real possibility.
It is just a matter of finding which one works for you and you partner.
Baby gender selection: if it is a boy you want...
Timing really is a big part of baby gender selection.
According to the Shettles method, the best time to try to get a baby boy is 12 hours after ovulation.
The Whelan method has the same concept except that it's time frame is much longer.
In this case, 4 to 6 days is the most appropriate time.
Believe it or not but your diet is also a deciding factor.
Evening Primrose supplements are supposed to increase the cervical mucus' quality which is believed to help bring you a boy.
Guaifenesin pills will also help in this area.
Be sure to take them several days before ovulation for the best results.
Baby gender selection: if it is a girl you want...
The window for perfect conception of a baby girl is from the last day of your period up until three days before ovulation.
This is based on the Shettles method.
There is always the proper time for trying.
The O + 12 method defies Shettles method on this subject.
It is believed that 12 hours after ovulation will give you girl, not a boy as Shettles method mentions.
Calcium and Magnesium are believed to help conceive a girl.
So if a girl is really what you want, take these supplements a couple of months prior to conception.
Folklore none the less...
Coffee for daddy before trying to conceive is supposed to make the Y chromosome, the male chromosome, more active.
While cranberry capsules for mommy is supposed to be good to get a girl.
Under your pillow, a pink ribbon is supposed to be carefully placed in attempts of having a girl and a wooden spoon under the bed if you want to bear a boy Myths have their own take on time too.
Believing that odd days will give you a boy and having intercourse on even days will do just the opposite and give you a girl.
Old wives tales, myths, science, tests, technology- baby gender selection is all based on these.
Some may work better than others, some may not work at all.
But no matter what you try, the important thing to remember is that either boy or girl, a baby is a blessing that you will love no matter what.
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