Studies have shown that neighborhoods which have a neighborhood watch program are significantly safer than those without them.
It isn't hard to figure out why.
Simply put, when you put the maximum amount of people on a job, you are going to get the best results.
Perhaps it isn't a good way to run a business -- over-employing, you might call it -- but when comes to personal and home security the idea is a true winner.
As law enforcement agencies become strapped for cash in the midst of the recession, the effects of the nationwide hiring freeze have extended to the police force.
In other words, there are less men on the job than necessary to fight crime in the corners and small areas of each town and borough.
That is where the citizens must pick up the slack.
Studies of the Great Depression showed a rise in petty crime, which was followed by a decrease in the same crimes once people started to get back to work.
How can the average citizen help? By joining up with like-minded neighbors, you can ensure your personal and home security, making your neighborhood a safer place and adding value to your property at the same time.
When it comes to buying a home, areas with lower crime rates will always draw the higher premiums.
If there is an existing neighborhood watch, it's time to get involved.
If not, it is time to start one on your own.
Team up With Law Enforcement As McGruff the Crime Dog used to say, "Help take a bite out of crime.
" Most law enforcement agencies have a neighborhood watch outreach program in which a specific rules are followed to become an officially recognized entity.
This connection has innumerable benefits.
Not only will police officers be in direct contact with you and your neighbors -- creating a strong community bond -- but you can use the same methods of prevention which they have found to be successful in neighborhood and home security.
They will systematically divide the neighborhood into sections, block by block, facilitating the patrol routes and simplifying responsibilities.
Team Up With Your Neighbors Knowing the people who live in your neighborhood will help everyone when it comes to your safety.
There is no reason to be suspicious if you see a neighbor hanging around your home late at night.
You can recognize that it is a friend, visiting a neighbor nearby.
Likewise, by knowing your neighbors you will be able to identify strangers as opposed to friends and family.
You do not want to terrorize visitors, but at the same time if you see something suspicious, you will know how to respond.
Workshop Home Security Ideas Have there been any recent burglaries in your neighborhood? Get the details on what happened.
Was the house equipped with a home alarm system? Was it bypassed? Did the company respond effectively? Not only will you figure out ways to keep your family and property safe, you will be able to get real insight into the performance of a home security company, devoid of any advertising spin or loosely interpreted facts.
The time for a neighborhood watch is now.
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