Health & Medical Mental Health

Alcohol Poisoning Statistics

    Binge Drinking

    • Alcohol poisoning most often occurs as a result of binge drinking, which is defined by the CDC as the consumption of five or more drinks by men and four or more drinks by women on a single occasion. Roughly 0.33 percent of all binge drinking incidents end in alcohol poisoning. Binge drinking is particularly widespread among people between the ages of 18 and 20, more than 51 percent of whom reported binging on a regular basis, according to a study published in the Journal of American Medical Association in April 2003. According to the study, drinkers below the age of 26 account for 31 percent of all binge drinking, total annual incidents of which rose from 1.2 billion in 1993 to 1.5 billion in 2001.

    Alcohol-Induced Deaths

    • The National Vital Statistics Report indicates that U.S. alcohol-induced deaths totaled 22,073 in 2006. These statistics, compiled by the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics, include but are not limited to deaths caused by alcohol poisoning, which are not broken out as a separate category. Alcohol-induced deaths include accidental alcohol poisoning, intentional alcohol poisoning and alcohol poisoning for which no intent could be ascertained. The total figure of 22,073 does not include automobile or other accidents in which alcohol was a factor but does cover deaths from diseases believed to have been caused by high levels of alcohol consumption.

    How It Affects the Body

    • Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. The central nervous system is responsible for the control of vital, involuntary functions that are essential to human life. Such functions include breathing and the gag reflex. Drinking more alcohol than the body can process may cause the depressed central nervous system to begin shutting down some of these functions, leading to unconsciousness, aspiration of vomit and eventually death. Ethanol, or beverage alcohol, is metabolized in the liver at an average rate of one drink per hour, although this rate can vary considerably, based on the size, gender and prior drinking experience of the individual. Drinking more than one drink per hour does not necessarily mean that alcohol poisoning will inevitably follow, but it is tempting fate.

    Get Medical Help

    • Not even the strongest coffee in the world will reverse or undo the effects of alcohol poisoning. Nor can the effects be slept off or swept away by the shock of a cold shower, as is the case for mere overindulgence. The most important thing you can do if you suspect a friend or family member is suffering from this condition is to seek immediate medical care. Failure to do so could result in the victim's death.

    Warning Signs

    • The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, in a fact sheet on alcohol poisoning, warns college students to avoid binge drinking. However, in the event that the institute's well-intentioned advice is ignored, its fact sheet urges students to be alert for the following warning signs of alcohol poisoning in those around them: significantly depressed breathing (less than eight breaths a minute), low body temperature, coma, paleness, vomiting, bluish cast to skin color, seizures, mental confusion or stupor. Some students hesitate to seek help for their fellow students, particularly those who are under 21, in the mistaken belief that they are doing them a favor by keeping family and college officials from finding out they were drinking. The favor will backfire if alcohol poisoning runs its course and the student dies.

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