Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Stop Hurrying - And You"ll Get Anything You Want

The ideas I share in this issue are time tested TRUTHS.
I have personally applied them to achieve significant successes in various fields (such as academics, sports, paid employment, and business/self-employment) since 1986.
A Book That Tells You All About The Truths & How To Use Them There is a little book written in the early 1900s - and widely available on the Internet as a zero cost download - that spells out, in very simple English, a success philosophy based on these TRUTHS.
The book outlines EXACT steps you can follow to use them to succeed, in what the author (very correctly, going by my experiences) refers to as a "Scientific" way.
By this he means you will be able to achieve PREDICTABLE success more frequently.
Who would not want that? That book has helped me hone my ability to use the TRUTHS, to reach my current level of achievement.
And, I continue to work hard to study it, learn more, so as to become better.
You probably have heard, that success is a never ending journey.
You never get too good to NOT need to become better.
Okay, before you start screaming "Get to the point will you!", let me do just that: No, the book is not titled "Think & Grow Rich".
Neither is it the "Richest Man In Babylon" or "Acres of Diamonds".
It is titled "Science of Getting Rich".
From the average person's little knowledge of what it takes to get rockets/space shuttles into space and back safely on earth without loss of valuable human lives, we know SCIENCE is a field in which EXACTNESS is a requirement.
There is no room for grey areas or inaccuracies.
That's why this book ("Science Of Getting Rich") is YOUR quickest and most reliable/straightforward guide to learning HOW to become perpetually successful - especially financially.
It describes HOW you can make money come to you, by adopting and sustaining the habit of THINKING and ACTING in what the author calls a "CERTAIN" way.
The author asserts that the book presents the most simple formula for achieving financial success BECAUSE it has been stripped of what he calls "non-essentials" leaving only simple TRUTHS which when imbibed and applied will (as the author promises) make the reader become a master of his/her own fate, who makes that which s/he wants HAPPEN with scientific predictability and accuracy.
Here are some key TRUTHS the book teaches: 1.
Stop Competitive Thinking:
You will need to switch yourself from the competitive (rat race) mentality that pervades most societies and RISE to the "CREATIVE" plane, where you will not feel you need to get what you want by taking that which is already possessed by another person.
You will not believe that in order for you to succeed, someone else must fail.
You will instead live and act in such a way that EVERY TIME you get what you want, others around you who relate with you, end up having more of what they already have.
According to the author, this will make you an INCREASING PERSONALITY, and others will perceive this about you and will be naturally drawn to you.
All You Want Is Available Already:
You will need to stop seeing things as inadequate even when the "seeming" reality around you is that they are! This is very difficult for most people, as the author notes, yet it is a fundamental truth that there is ONLY abundance in nature, no matter what your physical reality tells you.
When you don't have money, BELIEVE that you do, and it will come to you from "formless substance".
This is NOT abstract, and it is not theory.
Learn this skill and you will THINK of what you want, and get it.
Control Your Thoughts To Attract Money:
Your thoughts determine your ability to succeed using these TRUTHS.
You need to focus your thoughts consistently on what you want, and AWAY from that which you do not want.
You must understand that to make what you want come to you PERPETUALLY, you cannot let you mind dwell on its OPPOSITES! You must RISE above FEAR, WORRY and DOUBT - make them TOTALLY unwelcome visitors in your mind.
Only this way will you ensure the creative forces based on the truths you have adopted continue to MOVE that which you want TOWARDS you.
You Will Flourish Even When The Economy Is In A Depression:
This is the part that really got me sold on this book.
The author stated categorically, that if one follows his instructions in using the TRUTHS, s/he WILL find his/her greatest opportunities when others are struggling and complaining about hard times! Wow! Would you not LOVE to know how to be able to do that? I did, and that's why I started reading that book as if my life depended on it.
And it all turned to to be true! Nothing Can Stop You, So You Do Not Need To Hurry! Now, since the above truths (and others described in the book) ensure that you always get that which you want, it logically follows that your awareness of them should, in reality, make you feel NO NEED to hurry to get anything.
The author advises the YOU to NOT worry that all the available land will be bought before you are able to get money you need to buy yours to build your own house.
What you want will be created from "formless substance" if it does not already exist.
Therefore no one can take that which is meant for you.
So, why hurry? Since, as the author says, "nature is friendly to your plans"; and "all things are naturally for you", you should have no need to hurry or feel that if you do NOT hurry, you will not get what you want.
The creative forces which work on your behalf, to get you what you want, will remain active for as long as you continue to THINK and ACT in the "certain" way as recommended by the author.
The TRUTHS Will Make You Self-Assured/Confident The knowledge you gain from this book will reflect in the self-assured/confident manner in which you will constantly approach issues in your daily activities.
This will eventually be noticed by those around you.
It will also stop you from falling into the trap of wanting to adopt "crooked" methods to make money - such as "get-rich-quick" schemes - BECAUSE you will be convinced you CAN get what you want without going that way.
So, when someone calls you to propose you join him/her in doing something dishonest, you will have NO difficulty saying no - regardless of how badly you need MONEY or whatever else is in the offing! This is the most crucial point I wish to make.
The knowledge of the truths in this book will make you CERTAIN that you will get rich, so no one or nothing will be able to create a sense of urgency that you take advantage of some opportunity by ACTING NOW or NEVER.
In essence, you will be able to live your life daily, without being anxious or worried about anything you wish for or desire.
Having expressed your wish/desire for MONEY in your thoughts, following the guidelines in the book, you will know it is on it's way, which is why even prior to it's arrival YOU WILL be grateful ! Some People Will Not Be Ready To Use The TRUTHS Having said all this, I must add that in my opinion, it is NOT everyone who gets/reads this little book that will be READY to use it to successfully get the benefits promised by the author.
I say this because in my experience, you need to be really HUNGRY for a solution like the one offered in the book, in order to have the needed PATIENCE and MENTAL STAMINA, to diligently study and apply its teachings till the results become apparent.
I first got a copy of the Acrobat PDF eBook version of the Science Of Getting Rich in 2000, and read it once, but felt no need to do more than that.
It was not until November 2007 (when a sudden series of unexpected challenges thrust upon me an urgent NEED to drastically BOOST my ability to make MORE money MORE reliably) that I really picked it up again and read, and re-read it over and over again.
My achievements since then have (as I have said elsewhere) have been nothing short of miracles.
This is NO exaggeration.
You Will Need To Persevere Before I go, I must add that prior to November 2007, I did not apply these ideas in any systematic manner based on my AWARENESS of them.
In other words, I very often used them quite intuitively.
I simply knew from past experience that they worked, but did not fully understand HOW.
I also did not really realise that I could be more DELIBERATE in my use of them, to ensure greater consistency in achieving my desired goals.
In essence I am saying that I did not gain RELIABLE mastery of the use of these TRUTHS immediately.
But since re-discovering that little book, and painstakingly applying the TRUTHS in a systematic manner on a daily basis - with "absolute, unquestioning FAITH", I have now reached a level of proficiency that helps me live (as I tell those I discuss this with) a MIRACLE every single day.
You may find that your experience is similar, so do not despair when you struggle at the start to master their use.
Over time, you WILL mature.
You Need To Stop Hurrying! If you don't have as much money NOW as you need, DO NOT let anyone push or pressure to do just anything to change that situation.
Use the ideas offered in the Science of Getting Rich, and you WILL get there without breaking any rules, or losing your integrity.
I never hurry, and I never let others hurry me up.
Anytime someone tells me I must hurry to get something, or s/he says its taking me too long to have something, when I KNOW I am on the right track, I simply tune him/her out.
I can do this without fear because I KNOW the truth about how to get what I want.
I have the formula, and I know I only need to apply it diligently for long enough to get the results I want.
This makes it possible for me to live my life TOTALLY free from the social pressures that afflict a lot of other people, making them fret constantly.
If you want to enjoy this kind of freedom, here's a thought for you to carry around with you all the time, that will take you there: "The money I want WILL come to me at the right time, and I will BE ready to receive it, by THINKING & ACTING in the certain way.
I will learn HOW to do the foregoing by studying the book titled "Science Of Getting Rich" until I master the use of the TRUTHS in it".
Remember, no one can stop you - except you.
So, you need not worry or hurry.
Simply THINK and ACT in the certain way daily, and you will get what you want consistently, and repeatedly.
DOWNLOAD The Book And Get Started Today It can be found almost everywhere on the net, which means many people believe it's useful and so pass it around a lot.
The question I ask however is: Just how many of those who pass it on/receive it actually go on to use it? Only a few - which explains why poverty still afflicts millions of people the world over today.
It would interest you to know that the book offers a PERFECT, and PERMANENT solution to poverty that works even in today's modern, technology driven world.
Any public office holder or leader who wants his people to rise above poverty would be wise to read the book - and discover the solution it proffers to poverty.
The name of the book once again is "Science Of Getting Rich" and it was authored by a man called Wallace D.
Google the following string (i.
"Download Science Of Getting Rich ebook") and you will be taken to a Google results page with direct links from sites it's available on.
Download/read the book, then apply what you learn.
Good luck!

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