- Drip pans and bowls are used on stovetops -- and also range and oven tops -- to catch food and liquids that overflow from pots and pans onto the burners. They are designed for cooktops that use coils to generate heat and they cause these appliances to operate more efficiently by helping to reflect heat back to the burner. Drip pans also shield the user from the stove's internal components.
- Most drip pans are either constructed of black porcelain or chrome. Circular pans are more common and are usually available in both 6-inch and 8-inch versions. They are generically designed to fit most cooktop appliance models. Drip pans are relatively inexpensive: one drip pan can range in price from $2 to $8. Drip pans are also sold in multiples as 2-pack, 4-pack and 8-pack products. Rectangular drip pans -- also known as double-drip pans -- can fit most rectangular or square burners and are packaged as one single pan with a left and a right side. This double pan is priced from $7 to $14 at time of publication.
- For drip pans to function effectively and radiate heat back to the burner, they must be cleaned on a regular basis. A dirty drip pan reduces the burner's efficiency, which extends the cooking time and increases both energy consumption and costs. In lieu of cleaning, some consumers opt to cover the pans with aluminum foil, but according to Mr. Appliance.com, wrapping drip pans in aluminum foil can short-circuit the stove or even cause fires.
- Drip pans need cleaning on a regular basis. Since they are inexpensive, replace them when you can no longer remove all of the grease and food by-products. According to Homeworld Business, replacing drip pans on a regular basis can save approximately $55 yearly in utility costs, compared to using drip pans that have baked-on dirt or are covered with aluminum foil.
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