As an online writer I get a few emails each day inviting me to post my articles on some industry website or some online article site.
Some are quite sincere and great websites yet if they are not affiliates with the category killers like EzineArticles.
com you have to ask yourself why? What I have found is that if article websites are not affiliated in anyway, maybe they did not pass the scrutiny of ethicalness to do so, or maybe they are not so legit.
Perhaps they are, but one of the biggest give aways to scoundrel activity is an email which overly embellishes the writer's abilities and attempts to stroke their ego.
Recently I had this happen and what a turn off it was.
The gentleman in his email pitch stated; "I was just going through your articles.
You really write well.
In fact I have myself been a Business Columnist for one of the largest newspapers.
As a professional I can say I really like your work.
" Well how many people did he send that exact email too I wonder.
So, here is the email I did not bother to send back to him.
"First off as a realist, I can say that my abilities as a writer suck, not that I care, as I am not a writer, I am just bored.
Secondly I think all writers are persnickety, under whelming and mental cases.
They are under achievers who could not make it in the real world.
Third you are stroking me, because if you were a Business Columnist you would readily see my writing is lacking in so many regards.
What a crock of crap and you know it.
So, no I would not be interesting in contributing to someone's website who is a BS'er like you nor do I care to have my ego-fed in such a way.
Perhaps in the future you would stop throwing out compliments to people who do not deserve them and come clean.
That's what I think.
By the way as an entrepreneur, you are a super marketeer and manipulator of people and your skill set is beyond belief.
" Now of course I did not send this email out, but that is basically how I feel about these ego-stroking losers playing games.
If you are a downtrodden writer who needs you ego and god only knows what else stroked then perhaps you will fall for this line of crap.
Personally I get sick of it.
Consider this in 2006.
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