In a long time I haven't seen such a powerful device as ecigarettes are! What is so enchanting about ecigarettes that made me think like that. If you don't know, let me tell you several facts about ecigarettes, the greatest invention in smoking industry for a long time!
Have you ever came across a device that can really change your lifestyle, that can help you improve your health to the levels you never thought you'll achieve again, that can make you love yourself again because of it!? And all of that with easy!?
Well, ecigarettes are that kind of devices, which simple change your lifestyle with non-expected twist, such is changing habits with easy.
Back in the time when cigarettes became globally accepted as trend, and when you were determined as a cool guy if you are smoker, no one have never thought about how harmful these trend can be!
Back in the and of previous century and the beginning of this one, when human kind realize what risks smoking habit brings to individuals health, we all realize that being a smoker nowadays, is not that cool any more. But so many people also realized how addicted they are to cigarettes and how hard is to erase this habit from their daily routines.
Then at 2004, we witnessed to the birth of the most powerful device that human kind invented in order to help people quit smoking. Ecigarettes were born!
Soon after their birth, ecigarettes became worldwide trend between smokers, not only those who plan to quit smoking, than to all people addicted to nicotine. In the era of smoking banns, ecigarettes became a worldwide accepted products which could be consumed on places where traditional cigarettes were banned.
Let's get one thing clear even if you probably know it, but this is very important to understand, thus there are 4000 reasons to mention it again!
Humans addiction to smoking, consuming cigarettes, is caused because of one and only thing, this thing is substance named nicotine. Now, nicotine itself, doesn't have harmful effects on human health, but it has one crucial effect on human brain, and that is addiction causing. Nicotine is the main reason why we are addicted to smoking, not only traditional, than ecigarettes as well.
When we understand this simple fact, what would be the difference of consuming ecigarettes and the real ones!? Well, here we comes to the 4000 reasons to show us the difference. Of course, there is a list of four thousand reasons to quit smoking, but I will not post it here, since it is to long to name them all. What will I do, is to put them in the several baskets named toxins, poisons, carcinogens. Yes, that's wright.
Unlike ecigarettes, traditional ones are filled with four thousand different kind of poisons which are almost all harmful for human health, and the main culprits for all health issues caused by smoking.
Unlike the real ones, ecigarettes are devices which will provide you only nicotine, and this would not be truth at all, because you can choose to buy cartridges without nicotine. This way, ecigarettes becomes an device which are providing your brain the substance it is addicted to and nothing else. In other words, you are still addicted to smoking, but with ecigarettes you are smoking almost without any health risks.
By deciding upon to test ecigarettes, you are able to choose the levels of nicotine in liquids, as well as you can choose nicotine free liquids. This provides you an opportunity to slowly reduce the levels of nicotine in liquids of your ecigarettes and by the time passing, you will find yourself smoking a nicotine free ecigarettes. At this point you are free to quit using ecigarettes and this sets you free. You became a non smoker!
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