Health & Medical Nutrition

Signs of lack of vitamins in the body

Consumed regularly, precooked foods rich in calories and low in nutrients can cause serious health problems due to deficiencies of vitamins that support the body. To counteract this phenomenon, should consume large amounts of fruits and vegetables.

Here are some of the problems caused by lack of vitamins in the diet:
€ Frequent mouth sores: they are caused by lack of iron, folic acid and vitamin B12
€ Dry, cracked lips: deficiency of vitamins B2 and B6
€ Redness and irritated skin on the arms and legs: a lack of vitamin B complex and vitamin E
€ Dry skin: lack of zinc and fatty acids
€ Premenstrual syndrome: lack of zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6
€ Slow growth of hair: lack of iron and zinc
€ Bloodshot, tired eyes: lack of vitamins A and B2
€ Brittle nails: lack of iron, zinc or fatty acids
€ Anemia: iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 deficiency
€ "Tingling" in legs at night: lack of iron and folic acid
€ Acne: zinc, vitamin A and essential fatty acids deficiency.

It is well known that the human body cannot function normally, cannot regenerate or develop properly if he is not provided with necessary vitamins (group of natural organic substances). The main source of supply (and healthier) with vitamin is daily food, but no food except breast milk does not contain all the vitamins you need. It is therefore necessary to be careful with your diet to cover all necessary vitamins.

Deficiency of one vitamin can cause problems or medical conditions. Vitamin deficiencies occur not only due to improper diet, but also because other factors such as cooking which destroys vitamins, anorexia, imbalances in the intestinal flora (flora synthesize vitamins), impaired absorption of vitamins, parasites or physiological conditions such as lactation, pregnancy and growth.
The importance of vitamins

€ Vitamin A, has an important role in raising young bodies, protect mucous epithelia and vision. Vitamin A deficiency is manifested by disorders of epithelial tissue, the skin becomes dry and horny, and eye disorders that occur in severe deficiencies that lead to the appearance of xeroftalmia.

€ Vitamin D has fundamental role in regulating calcium and phosphorus metabolism in the process of ossification. Vitamin D facilitates
calcium absorption in small intestine and deposits it in bones.

€ Vitamin E is essential for maintaining normal structure and function of reproductive organs, ensure trophicity of muscular system, slows aging and play a protective role against coronary heart disease.

€ Vitamin K - involved in blood clotting. Deficiency cause bleeding.

€ Vitamin C - participate in cellular oxidation-reduction reactions, so in the energy release processes. Vitamin C increases the body's resistance to the toxic effects of certain drugs or chemicals in the ambient environment. People with a vitamin C deficiency manifest weakness and have a low capacity of defense against microbial and viral infections.

€ Vitamin B1 - form a large number of enzymes in carbohydrate metabolism. In case of inadequate dietary intake occur: fatigue, loss of appetite, insomnia, headaches, weight loss, decreased attention and memory, palpitations, tachycardia, arrhythmia, lower blood pressure and neurasthenia.

€ Vitamin B2 €" enter in the structure of enzymes. Vitamin B2 deficiency produces slow growth, skin lesions, edema, hair loss, cracking, bleeding, blepharitis, corneal vascularization.

€ Vitamin B6 €" is involved in amino acid metabolism. Deficiency determines slow growth, the development of dermatitis (itchy dry skin), muscle spasms, convulsions, and anemia.

€ Vitamin B12 - facilitate the release of folic acid from its conjugates. Deficiency cause megaloblastic anemia, digestive mucosal changes, atrophied gastric mucosa and neurological disorders.

Vitamin PP - or vitamin B3 has a role in the formation of enzymes. Hypovitaminosis cause a marked fatigue, apathy, digestive disorders, weight loss and psychic disorders. In extreme deficiency is Pellagra.

Completing intake of vitamins with Calivita natural supplements

Kids Greens nutritional supplement composition has not less than 66 vitamins, minerals, probiotics, fiber and antioxidants that meet all nutritional requirements of both children and adults. Nutritional eating habits are learned in childhood and child body has an ongoing need for nutrients for a harmonious development.

Full Spectrum is the most complex version of nutrients for adults and their nutritional requirements. It contains 29 vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other essential elements for a body working at full capacity.

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