To get more traffic from articles you need to use article marketing in an effective manner.
This means that instead of submitting one or two articles everyday, occasionally you need to change things up and conduct an article marketing blitz.
This is not a term I coined, but it basically means submit 20 articles or more a day.
The reason an article marketing blitz is so effective is that it gets your articles listed high in the article directories quite a few days, and to make money from articles you need to have articles listed high in the search engines as well as the article directories.
To get more traffic from articles your article must have an effective headline.
The headline is a vital part of each article that many people seem to underestimate.
In my opinion you should spend as much time on the title as you do on the article.
I have written some articles with powerful headlines that have given me thousands of website visitors.
With an article marketing blitz you also need to make sure that you include an author resource box that is tailored for each article.
The resource box is a key point in determining success, and is often overlooked when someone is concerned with submitting so many articles in such a short period of time.
The key to submitting a lot of articles on the same day blitz style is to save them as drafts, and then submit them back to back.
This ensures that all of your articles should get approved around the same time, although this is not always the case.
So next time you want more traffic from articles and make more money from articles consider submitting many articles at once as opposed to just one or two on a daily basis.
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