There has been a lot of news circulating about the possibility of a handset designed and built by Google and running their Android software.
But, what to believe? Would Google release a phone to rival that of their customers (Motorola, HTC). Also, if released will it be the phone to finally knock the iPhone off its pedestal?
Current state of the handset market
It's all go at the moment with Apple expected to set a definite release date for their iPhone 4G on Monday June 7th and the Android increasing in popularity on a daily basis. A lot of mobile phone customers are waiting to upgrade or buy new handsets but are unsure what platform to commit to.
The Google Android Operating System
When Google bought over Android Inc back in 2005, they acquired a company who specialised in mobile phone software and operating systems.
Now in 2010, Android has been released on numerous devices, notably the most recent HTC handsets.
The iPhone 4G
Almost everyone reading this will have seen the leaked footage of the iPhone 4G [] on the internet and Apple's scurried attempts to maintain its secrecy. Rumours are flying around on the new features (HD video streaming and recording, TV, ultra fast internet connection etc) and we are expecting Apple's official release on Monday June 7th.
The Big Question
So do you join the new generation of Android users or wait for Apple's much anticipated iPhone 4G?
In terms of functionality they are very similar but where Apple is largely in favour of HTML5, Android [] offers easier compatibility for developers through Flash, which Apple is slowly trying to edge out of its products.
Apple has an established back catalogue of apps and rarely lets you down with its updates. However, Android is an exciting new platform and is apparently converting 10,000+users daily.
Mr Jobs, the ball is in your court, let's hope this update is as good as all of us in the mobile phone industry are anticipating.
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