Family & Relationships Conflict

How to Win Back Ex-Wife - Even If She Says it is Over

Most failure in marriage is attributed to blaming the other instead of oneself.
It is the most convenient means to walk away.
If you are reading this, I am happy for you.
It shows that you have realize that divorce should not have been the easy way out to your marriage.
Both of you paid a price due to your temporary lapse of memory about the vows you and your ex-wife made to support each other during your time of wedded bliss, your commitment and vows to love each other through thick and thin.
You forgot the very essence that both of you started the relationship: -Both of you wanted to be together -Both of you agree that deep love will last forever -Life together felt so right - The marriage is a union that will make both of you complete When you went into the relationship both of you were very serious, willing to make sacrifices and promised in your heart and soul only for each other.
Sadly over times, your short span of memory makes you DELETE, PURGE and SHRED what you no longer need.
Both of you felt trapped, painful, disappointed, bitter.
Desperation to stay away and hurt each other deepens.
You start attacking each other's characters, habits, etc.
You now have the time to think things over.
You realize that you did not control your thoughts but allow your thoughts.
However, the fact that you are trying to win back your ex shows maturity.
In order for you to win back your ex, you must first understand why the relationship and marriage and how you can overcome it.
You must learn - How to relate - How and what to do when things went wrong - How and what to say at different situations Most importantly, you must learn the truth that the MAIN reason why your marriage failed is because YOU set it that way! You made the choice to support a bad marriage.
You made the choice to support the lifestyle you had during your marriage.
You must learn to realize that the lifestyle you lead is based on your character.
It is due to the dysfunctional relationship you have with yourself - either intent or un-intent.
This is the truth and unless you realize it and make changes within you, every relationship you go through will be a failure.
Your chance of getting back with your ex-wife is as good as gone.
Remember that problems do not grow and flourish in isolation.
It is always being supported and nurtured.
If it is your life, it is YOU who is supporting and nurturing your lifestyle.
99% of every outcome of your life is based on your actions and yours alone.
Yes, it takes 2 to tango.
Yes, your partner can be a 'living hell'.
Remember though, if you focus on yourself to change, you will have more control to -Change your lifestyle -Change your relationship environment -Reclaim your dignity -Reclaim your self-respect Trust me, over time, your partner will definitely feel the effect.
Your partner will sooner or later be affected.
You have to be inspirational.
You cannot fight alone.
You cannot quarrel alone.
The same applies, if you can make yourself happy, you can make others happy to.
It is never an alone battle.
If you are seriously thinking about getting back with your ex, even if your ex says it is over.
Trust yourselfthere is still hope.
The hope is YOU.
Only YOU can make it happen.

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