Today hair loss is very common. It can be identified with men, women, teenagers, youths and dotages. It is a great problem that can badly affect your physical look, appearance and social life. A complete baldness on your head can change your personality. It might be a cause of your great distress and anxiety. When you fall into such situation, you feel yourself insecure and helpless. So you are driven by a mad pursuit to get rid of it. Then a single ladder can let you out from that situation. Hair transplantation is that single ladder that can help you to get out of this situation. It is the most effective and permanent treatment for hair loss treatment.
However there are three commonest forms of hair transplantation practiced in India.
They are:
1. Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS)
2. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
3. Scalp Reduction
1. Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS)
By this procedure a strip of hair is planted on thin or bald area of the recipient where no visible scar has on it. The strip is collected from the donor region. But you need to remember that though the method is dependable permanent but it will take several days to cure. This method is highly beneficial for average to extreme balding cases as it allows one to receive several grafts transplantation in a single session.
2. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
This method is more accepted and more permanent than the first one. In this popular method the strands of hair are transplanted from the back side and sides around your head. By this process one to four strands in groups are transplanted to grow it naturally. The important thing to be mentioned here- it does not involve major and deep cuttings. It takes shorter time to recover and the scars comes out are fewer. This method is very popular in India.
3. Scalp Reduction
This method is rather tough and rarely performed. It involves bald area removal though surgery. Then hair-bearing scalp is stretched here to substitute the removal things. This process is very costly and has the probability of tightening the scalp.
India has gained popularity for its outstanding hair transplantation treatment. It has become a familiar name in Asia and abroad. After the introduction medical tourism, India has become a dream destination for the patients who come from outside India. The country has proved its expertise in all popular methods of hair transplantation.
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