Dog Snuggies - The Way To Make Man's Best Friend Feel Even Better When the cold hard winds blow from the north and the cool chill of winters grasp is setting in, I would guess that your dog has likely started spending a lot more time in his favorite warm and nice snuggie.
As most of dogs have their heavier winter coat (the real fur kind, not the crazy colored, made in Vietnam kind), your dog's snuggie may actually fit a bit more "snuggly" than he is used to.
Add to that the additional table scraps and left-overs your best friend has no doubt been feasting on from holiday feasts, and you have a perfect storm for the serious problem of a TTDS (Too-Tight Dog Snuggie).
Now, you're probably asking yourself how in the world do I make sure my dog's snuggie has the correct fit, without having to go shop for a new snuggie in a larger size after each holiday? One possible answer is to simply give your dog a hair cut.
This actually removes some of the extra size that is causing the poor fit, with the added bonus of removing his natural protection against the cold hard weather.
Doing so, your dog is far more likely to want to wear the brand new stylish snuggie constantly, not only because it's lovely, but to avoid freezing to death.
You, as a bonus, get to show off the expensive designer snuggie you purchased, and your beloved dog will hopefully accept the fact that he will be paraded in public wearing colored clothes for the rest of his life; it's a win-win.
For those of you that don't want to shave their dog for some reason, (have you ever tried to take clippers to a short-haired pit bull with little natural fur, and a taste for man flesh? I didn't think so) there are a few other options.
By soaking your dog in water (preferably warm) before the application of his snuggie, he should actually slide right in even if he has added some extra ounces around the midsection.
This also give you an excuse (as if you need one) to blow-dry your shivering pooch once he is firmly tucked into his adorable yellow-striped sailor's outfit.
Whatever method you choose in the battle against TTDS, (Too-Tight Dog Snuggie) rest assured that leaving your little dog to suffer in a poor fitting snuggie is not to laugh at.
You owe your dog the absolute best snuggie-wearing experience, so make sure the fit is right.
If you really think about it, how often do you walk around in ill-fitting clothes? Not that much I guess.
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