- Biologically, teen mothers are capable of successfully breastfeeding. Just like their adult counterparts, there are no physiological limitations to stand in their way.
- Despite health benefits, only eighteen percent of teen mothers choose to breastfeed according to the La Leche League International (LLLI). Even fewer actually do so. Support groups are available and effective in working with young mothers in this area.
- Breastfeeding is the healthiest way to feed a baby according to LLLI. Breastfeeding causes the uterus to contract and therefore aids in returning to pre-pregnancy weight and it is economically beneficial because the teen mother will not need to buy formula.
- A teen mother will have specific concerns regarding breast feeding. She is more likely than an adult mother to worry about how breastfeeding will affect her relationship with her boyfriend. Other concerns will include leaving the baby for work or school, as well as learning general nurturing skills.
- The teen mother will need to consume more calories while breastfeeding. She will need to focus on consuming more calcium, protein and B vitamins according to LLLI.
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