Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Understanding the Benefits of Prenatal Yoga

There are many benefits of prenatal yoga.
These benefits will be felt by both the expectant mother and the unborn babe.
As a soothing and relaxing exercise, yoga has long been known to treat the body in a gentle manner.
There is no harsh bouncing here.
Nor is there any urging to feel the burn in order to work to the next level.
In fact, yoga is one of the few forms of exercise that is so flexible that its use has been adapted by a number of seemingly unrelated sports such as football and hockey.
For a mother and her unborn baby, however, the benefits of prenatal yoga mean that the mother's body is engaged in gentle stretching exercises.
These exercises are designed to lengthen key sets of muscles that will be particularly needed during labor and birth.
In turn, these elongated and stronger muscles help to ensure a smoother journey for the baby as it makes its entrance into the world.
Because the fact that there is no bouncing involved is one of the benefits of yoga, there is a much less likelihood that injury will occur to the mother's body.
Yoga's gentle encouragement of stretches that are natural and flow with the body increase the feelings of relaxation and satisfaction.
Yoga can be fully adaptable for all women regardless of the stage of pregnancy she is at.
Each woman is encouraged to work only to a gentle stretch and not too push herself too hard.
In addition, there are some poses that must be modified when practicing prenatal yoga so that key blood vessels or other necessary body parts are not compromised.
Clearly the benefits of prenatal yoga make it a superb choice of exercise for all prenatal women, regardless of their fitness level or weight.
In fact, for women who are out of shape or overweight, practicing yoga while pregnant can make a huge difference in their comfort level while pregnant as well as their labor and recovery time after giving birth.
For a gentle yet very effective exercise for almost any woman in any stage of pregnancy, prenatal yoga is a natural choice.

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