Want to build a fence? Great choice.
Not only will it make your property boundaries look unique, but they also add a touch of class and elegance about the outdoors.
Plus, you have the added advantage of great privacy.
But don't assume that building a fence is extremely easy.
You need to know how to keep the whole thing level.
Plus, there are lots of nitty-gritties that you need to be aware of, in order to build a good fence that will last you many years.
You should start by making holes every 8 feet.
These are for the treated posts, the dimensions of which are usually 4" x 4" x 8".
Then, dig two feet holes with a posthole digger.
We give you a little tip to make sure that the posts are stable.
When you've finished digging the cylindrical hole, dig at an angle, so that you create a hole which is ball-shaped.
This can anchor the posts, once it's set in the concrete.
Let's continue with the steps to build fence.
You need to know that if water runs down the face of the wood, and lingers on the bottom lip, it can cause wood rotting.
So coat the top and bottom lip, to ensure that your fences are not ruined by water.
Also, wood doesn't stick to concrete, so you need to paint the bottom 2 feet with black roof tar, this will seal the posts, and the concrete can stick to it.
Give it a full day to dry.
You should remember to build with three rails, this gives security and durability.
If you're going to build a fence, you shouldn't take the choice of fencing lightly, because it plays a very important role.
Appearance and construction matter.
You need to build a good, strong fence so that winds do not blow it away.
So supply your fences with strong posts - 4-6 inches square are suitable.
Concrete posts are quite strong as well, though they are a little difficult to handle when it comes to installation.
You can also use cedar wood, which is a good option.
Do treat the timber with a good preservative.
You can use creosote.
You can also use copper napthenate preservatives like green, horticultural grades of Cuprinol or Solignum.
Fencing units usually come 5-6 feet in length.
You can choose solid or close boarded fence, the designs of which consists of upright strips of wood.
These are great for privacy and protection from the wind, but the appearance is rather basic.
Weather board fencing is also a good option - here you'll get wedge shaped strips of wood, 1 inch thick at one edge, and 0.
5 inches thick at the other.
This design does not allow for any peeping, so it's a great option if you're building a privacy fence.
you can also go for interwoven fencing, which is quite attractive.
Trellis fencing, too, is cheap and suitable for climbing or trailing plants.
It is good for camouflaging unsightly walls, you could also use it as an additional part of the fence design.
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