There is a little bit of a power imbalance when someone dumps you.
Before you were dumped by your girlfriend, you might have thought that you and her were on equal footing in the relationship, but the moment that SHE decides to end the relationship, it's like she pulled the rug out from under your feet and now she has all of the power.
Kind of a weird feeling when that happens, isn't it? Still, just because she was the one that dumped you, that doesn't necessarily mean that you have no chance to get her back.
You can shift that balance of power back a little bit and in the process, make her feel like you are worth getting back together with.
Here's how to get your girlfriend back if she was the one who dumped you: 1.
Don't allow yourself to feel like she has all of the power.
This is a little bit of psychology that you need to work on and get right before you actually try to get your girlfriend back.
As long as you see it as her being the one with all of the power since she ended the relationship, that's the way that it is going to be.
The moment that you change that and start to see that you can end up winning her back, already you are shifting that power balance a little bit.
Leverage the power that intense attraction has to trump everything else when it comes to relationships.
We have all seen this in action at least a few times in our lives.
Even when there are issues that need to be worked on in a relationship, as long as the attraction is there and it is still intense, the motivation to work on those issues will be there as well.
You need to leverage that power that intense attraction has to trump everything else if you want to win back your girlfriend.
Find a way to make your girlfriend feel like she is falling in love with you again.
As powerful as intense attraction is...
the feeling of falling in love is even stronger.
When you can make her feel like she is falling in love all over again, getting back together is pretty much the only result that you are going to be left with.
Of course, that is a good thing, because that is exactly the result that you are seeking, right?
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