- Both green tea and ginger contain polyphenols, plant-based chemicals that neutralize free radicals in the body. Free radicals are unstable molecules that damage bodily organs.
- Since both green tea and ginger neutralize high amounts of free radicals, they may significantly reduce one's risk of developing cancer.
- Due to their antioxidants, both green tea and ginger protect against blood clots. They can remove the free radicals in fattening foods that lead to blood clot formation.
- Green tea may help reduce gum disease because one of its polyphenols, catechin, prevents oral bacteria from forming plaque.
- Several studies show that ginger can alleviate motion sickness. One study recorded that ginger was more effective than medication in reducing motion sickness. See Resources for a link to the study.
- It is easy to enjoy the health benefits of green tea and ginger. Drink one cup of green tea and chop up at least one tablespoon of ginger for your salad, stir-fry or pasta each day.
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