Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

Soundproofing In Milwaukee

There are many soundproofing companies throughout the United States. When
looking for a reputable soundproofing materials supplier, ask questions and
find out how materials are shipped and from what shipping points. Also get up front shipping costs. Some companies like to charge up to 1 and 1/2 times
the actual cost of shipping. keep in mind that shipping costs are higher
these days with the cost of fuels etc, but if the shipping is ridiculously
high, always ask why.
The next order of business is to make sure the company has knowledgeable
technicians who can recommend the most cost effective methods for your
particular soundproofing needs. never be afraid to ask any and all questions.
Many times certain soundproofing products and materials such as studio
windows and door need to be manufactured to order. In other words, it might
take 4 to 5 weeks to manufacture a Studio door or window so you need to
figure that time factor into your project so that it does not disrupt the
progress of your particular project.
Careful planning is always key in any large scale build out or renovation.
Keep in mind that the manufacturers are not on your time schedule. In other
words plan ahead and give some wiggle room for materials that require
manufacturing at the time of your order.
It is also important that the information that you receive is accurate and
is tried and true. Asking for references regarding a certain product or
installation can be a little tricky because most past customers are happy
with the results of their project and for the most part, you never really
hear back from them.
If you are doing a major soundproofing project such as a high-rise renovation or a large studio build out, ask the sales person or the technician if there are quantity discounts if they purchase all of the needed materials at one time.
As general rule most soundproofing customers have already done their
research via the internet. The information on the net is incredible, but you
will soon find out that there are conflicting articles and advice given. That's where things become a little tricky. As you do your research, you will
find that there are some common solutions to certain soundproofing problems
that most companies do agree on.
A good example of conflicting technical information would be the
installation of a product called Mass Loaded Vinyl, or (MLV for short).
Some companies will tell you that you can attach the Mass loaded vinyl
directly to the existing drywall and then drywall over top of the MLV. This
is not correct and actually will do little as far as the soundproofing is
concerned. When installing MLV it is always best to either attach it directly to the studs or the joists and then to drywall over top of the MLV membrane
once it has been sealed at the seams and around the perimeter with acoustical caulk and seam sealer tape. If the MLV is on the stud structure, the MLV is
able to move or resonate with the sound and thus stop the transmission of
noise through the wall or ceiling areas.
One of the most reputable and honest Soundproofing Company is Soundproofing
America, Inc. Their professional staff have over 20 years of combined service to the soundproofing industry. Even if you don't purchase materials from
Soundproofing America, always take the time to call them to make sure you are headed in the right direction with your soundproofing project.
Thanks for reading and learning about Soundproofing in America. This is Dr.

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