Satire can either be spectacular or dull. It can be witty or it can be conceited. You either have it or you have not got it. The problem is that there are far too many people that believe that they are satirists. They then present the most appalling drivel to the public without any threat of imprisonment. As far as I am concerned bad satire deserves severe punishment. In that category I include the tasteless jokes that are presented on some meager websites that have nothing of substance to say about anything. Happily the readership of such websites is steadily declining.
Nevertheless it is possible to make a lot of money online using satire. We love to be amused by people that take their life too seriously. Take for example the celebrities that come out to say that they are not gay until someone opens up a real life story on them. You also have the politicians that do the exact opposite of what they are supposed to do. I particularly liked that evangelical politician that was caught soliciting a policeman. The delicious hypocrisy generated plenty of traffic and publicity. For such people I have very little sympathy because they are to blame for their woes.
The time when satire becomes unsustainable is when it attacks ordinary members of the public. Some of this satire ridicules them in front of the world when they do not really understand what they are doing. That is when intervention might be in order. The people that write satire like to feel that they are unrestrained. They are artists that do not deal with the ordinary conventions that govern human relationships. That is true until they are presented with a hefty lawsuit. The new entrepreneur has to be cautious about such activities.
I would not expect that you will rush out of here and start writing a satirical blog. You might use it to vent your anger but you have to also consider the implications of what you are doing. If the victims of that satire have a way of getting back at you they will use it with vigor. You have to ensure that you are in a position to protect your interests from unnecessary intrusion. That might imply that you actually turn down golden opportunities to expose your satirical acumen. However if you have the right backing then you can really build up a nice following in this area.
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