Society & Culture & Entertainment Hobbies & Science

How Blacklights Work

    What is a Black Light?

    • A black light is a light bulb that gives off ultraviolet light. The inside of the bulb is coated with a substance that restricts the type of light that is allowed to escape from the bulb. The light coming from these types of bulbs looks dark to humans because the high frequency ultraviolet light travels at makes it difficult for our eyes to detect.

    How Black Lights Work

    • The light emitting from black lights appears to give a fluorescent quality to many objects. This is because items that contain certain pigments can absorb ultraviolet light and then release it at a lower frequency. Phosphor can also have the same effect when it meets up with ultraviolet light. This allows humans to see the light with the naked eye and is the basis for the glowing effect that black lights produce.

    Types of Black Lights

    • Black lights have many different scientific uses, but some work better than others for different projects. There are three main types of black lights, and they differ based on the wavelengths they release when lit. UV-A, or long-range, bulbs are the most common type of black light available to the general public. They are used for concerts and other events, and are sold in traditional bulb form in store. UV-B, or medium-range, bulbs are used by forensics experts to find fluids and other evidence during investigations. UV-C, or short-range, bulbs are distributed for sterilization purposes. They can be used to kill germs on medical equipment, among other things.

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