You can find soundproofing techniques both for individual rooms and for your entire house, and the selections of which ones are most suitable for you situation will depend on three factors: where your home is located: what sort of noise you want to eliminate: and how much you can afford to spend.
Soundproofing Techniques For New Homes If you are having your home built, you can get an early start on soundproofing it by having your doorways staggered so that none of them is directly across from another one.
In doing so, you'll prevent the noise from one room from being transmitted across a hallway and echoing around the home's interior.
You should also request that your contractor design each room so that at least 25% of it will be taken up with sound-absorbing materials like draperies, carpeting, or furniture.
If you can afford it, also request that your walls and ceilings have soundproofing mats installed.
Soundproofing Techniques For Existing Homes If you are trying to make an existing home quieter, and are bothered by noisy floors on the upper stories, you can remove the ceilings beneath them and add triangular wooden strips to both the floor joists and the floors themselves.
You can also consider using a liquid adhesive to secure the squeaky floorboards so they move around less.
Another of the commonly used soundproofing techniques is to frame back-to-back walls with a double set of disconnected wall studs, and add some fiberglass insulation to deaden sounds.
If you live in a traditionally framed home, your wall framing and drywall will allow sound to pass through your walls from one room to another.
The wall studs attached on one side of the drywall will transmit the sounds from one room through it into the drywall of the other room to which they are attached.
You can dampen the sound transmitted in this fashion by installing fiberglass batts, but in order to eliminate it completely, you'll have to put up a separate set of studs for both the walls, so that the noise from one room can't be transmitted to the drywall of the other.
Soundproofing Techniques For Windows In addition those you use on your walls, ceilings, and floors, you should find some Soundproofing techniques to employ on your windows.
Think about using both vinyl window frames and double-paned glass, because although you'll pay more for double panes, you'll be rewarded with both quieter and a more energy-efficient house.
Finally, one of the soundproofing techniques which will not only make your home less noisy, but add an attractive privacy accent to its interior, is to install shutters on the insides of your windows.
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