- You may have heard this time and time again, but women love to see a man with confidence. The key is being a little cocky without being too stuck-up and pompous. Good-looking men have been given more opportunities in life from a younger age, which helped them to build their confidence. Girls who start to become interested in boys tell them that they look good at a young age, which makes the boys become cockier as they grow older. As an uglier man, you may not have had these experiences and so have not built the same confidence over time. Accessing confidence and exuding it when speaking to women will help you to pull women you haven't before. Adding some swagger to your personal repertoire is definitely important when trying to pick up a woman.
Confidence alone will not do the trick when you're ugly; you also have to incorporate other skills to pick up a woman you want. Since you may be lacking in the physical attraction department, you have to make up this deficiency with attitude and personality. Connecting with a woman on a deeper level by staring into her eyes before you approach and when talking should be practiced often. Be engaging and put the best parts of your personality on display. Having a sense of humor is a universal characteristic most women desire.
Attraction that women feel for men initially can never replace making a woman feel good. When you are trying to pick up a woman, don't allow her to know your intentions right off the bat. If she categorizes you as a jerk or boring then you will not have a shot. On the other hand, showing a woman a good time and being around her will help magnify the connection between you. - Looks may not be in your corner but it doesn't mean you shouldn't try to look your best at all times. Dressing nicely, having flawless hygiene habits and keeping your body in as good shape as possible will definitely help. Women will notice you more when you take care of yourself and your possessions. Take extra time to keep yourself together, and picking up a woman will become easier.
Another practice you must employ is learning who and when to approach. Approaching a group of women who you consider to be 7's or higher on a scale of 1 to 10 is a volatile move. If you are considered a 5 or below, you should stick with women who are on your own level until you build confidence in your abilities and game. This will up your chances of picking up "prettier" women later.
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